Thursday, February 14, 2008

Romney says McCain capable of "leading the county"

Romney, McCain close ranks

Mitt Romney endorsed one-time rival John McCain this afternoon, calling him "capable of leading the county at a dangerous hour."
I'm guessing this is just a typo by Foon Rhee of instead of what Romney actually said, but it was on the top of Google News, making it a pretty bad typo. I wonder what county Romney is referring to...Suffolk, maybe?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

John Kerry Blames Tornados on Global Warming

Sen. Kerry Blames Tornados on Global Warming

Darn you, global warming...flooding wasn't enough for you, now you have to make tornadoes too?!?!?

I love this quote: "the storms are more intensive and the rainfall is more intense at certain places at certain times and the weather patterns have changed."

Uh, yeah...the climate has been, is, and will always be fluctuating. It doesn't have anything to do with what we do or don't do (or at least not enough to matter). Why is it that people that lost to George W. Bush seem to have nothing better to do than scare everybody into going green? Certainly makes me glad he's not wasting his time on this stuff as our President.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Feeling Blu Part II

Good article on the current state of the HD format wars: Sharper image |

Maybe I won't ever need to switch to Blu-Ray after all...bring on the Ultra HD!

Also, the following excerpt from the article solidifies my argument that Sony putting a Blu-ray player in all PS3s was what "won" the war for them:

"At the moment, Blu-ray discs are outselling HD DVDs by a margin of two to one. But that’s largely because Sony included a Blu-ray player in its new PlayStation 3 (PS3) game console.

Excluding video-game machines, Toshiba has outsold the whole of the Sony camp in terms of actual players in living rooms, thanks to its lower prices. In other words, Toshiba has a bigger installed base of committed videophiles."