Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Driving Lessons: On Ice

Note to self: don't try to drive on a hill without chains after freezing rain + snow. Furthermore, don't use the gas or the brakes. Oh wait, I already knew that. These Oregonians did not:

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Man sells life on eBay

This is too ludicrous to pass up.

This Australian is offering his "life" on eBay, check it out here:

This includes all his possessions, all his skills (which he will teach you) and all his friends and "potential lovers". Oh, and 2 nemeses. Hahaha. Hopefully one of them isn't Beth Axelrod.

Other comically ridiculous aspects of the auction:
  • The person who posted this is not the person who's life the winning bidder will receive, because they are computer illiterate (sorry, guess I can't bid...)
  • The winning bidder does not get his driver's license, passport, etc. because "This is more of a social life and mentality as opposed to a new legal identity".
  • Someone asked him "If I, as a female, win, do I get the appropriate male appendages included for the transition?" The answer? "No..."
  • In big bold letters: "Serious bidders only please."

Conditional Identities

Demetri Martin is a very funny dude. Although I have to say the "conditional identity" joke is a long standing Smith family joke. We just never used the words "conditional identity" per se. So I guess you could say he improved on it.

Some more Demetri:

Sunday, January 14, 2007

WiiBay Economics

I recently stumbled across this blog posting, telling the public to not bid on wiis on eBay if you ever want a chance to actually buy one. Being that I am looking for a Nintendo Wii myself, I find this somewhat intriguing, and I understand where the author is coming from. However, his argument is flawed.

Not buying on eBay won't make Nintendo produce more, which is the main < demand. It might encourage a couple less people to buy multiple consoles from the stores, but when it's all said and done, there just won't be enough. The overall quantity produced is still the problem. Furthermore, even if everyone does magically stop bidding on eBay, it will more than likely be too little too late. In due time, Nintendo will start pumping out more Wiis at a more reasonable rate and prices on eBay (and craigslist, et al) will go down whether people are bidding or not. Until that happens, we all just hafta be patient.