Thursday, February 8, 2007

Marketing Never Was Microsoft's Forte

This has got to be one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen....

If they made a commercial like this for Vista, I would immediately go out and buy a Mac with OS X. Speaking of which, did you notice how at the beginning, dudeman mistakes 386 for OS 2? Gee, and now Vista is getting criticized for looking like OS X. Did Microsoft ever come out with something unique looking? Oh well, good to see some things never change, I guess.

But the combo of a white "business" woman with ginormous glasses rapping about an operating system while taking her clothes off (settle down, it doesn't show anything, thank goodness) is...well, let's just say the entire marketing department must have been enshrouded in a smoky haze back then. (Which should be assumed anyway I suppose, since it was the 80's and it is Washington!) How Microsoft ever sold anything with this "promo video" I'll never know, but I guess even corporations have their awkward teenage years.


Madison said...

Dumb...yes. But, have you ever attended a seminar for work? They always have kind'a "cheesy" music and they try to "pump you up" for the product or new goal through skits and song. I guess that "commercial" shows that nothing much has changed in the past twenty years. :)Where in the world did you find it (btw)?

Brian said...

Wow, are you actually defending this atrocity? Yes, I've seen cheesy attempts at trying to be funny at seminars and the like (even by Microsoft down in Vegas) but none were ever this bad. There's a difference between someone like Gob from Arrested Development playing "The Final Countdown" which makes me laugh and get slightly pumped (though still skeptical) and this, which makes me want to taser myself.

My boss (Mac guy) couldn't even watch the whole thing he thought it was so bad.

Oh, and I found it on, where else? :-)

Anonymous said...


So it's like . . . "if we give them horrible flashbacks, maybe they'll have a seizure and buy our product!"?


Why don't we get seminars with music and skits here? You should talk to Cory about that.

Brian said...

I think the seminars with music and skits would be more your department...after all you are the music major.

BTW, they weren't exactly flashbacks back was actually the 80s. That doesn't mean it wasn't seizure inducing however.

Madison said...


No, I'm not defending it. And if you weren't a guy, you would actually read what I wrote instead of jumping to absurd conclusions. Nice use of the word taser, it ought to be used more.

I looooove Macs, they make me swoon. Not really, but I do salivate more when I see one (boy that sounds weird).

Of course you did. I don't even know why I asked.


I recall once seeing someone have a seizure while paying for a microsoft product...

In fact, I practically have a seizure everytime my computer decides to have a "blue screen of death" error.

And if I have a to decide whether to "send the info of a program's shutdown" one more time I'm going to give my computer a seizure. Well, maybe not. Cause it is my "precious". But I'll sure threaten it.